Sad to say the camera is broken but happy to say that there is a re-call on it. This means that I have no new pics to show you. Here are a few plans for the van that are in the works.
I'm thinking for the interior, ie: ceiling and walls, I am going to do something new. My black van was all red velvet....pretty classic, nice but it's been done. My first van I did with carpet and padded vynel walls which is nice but has been done.
I'm thinking I will go with my current green shag, (well, modern shag which is half the length), and black and white chess board ceiling and walls. I think this will match the carpet, the yellow color of the van and just the overall image of the van.
I'm planning on re-using all of the wall boards from the black van, (I know they will fit and heck, they're already cut for me and everything), and then covering the boards with a huge roll of vynel what you might use in your kitchen. It's durable and bright and has a bit of a shine to it so all in all I think it will work well. I'm either going to install it by covering each piece of board, one at a time and matching the black and white squares to eachother or, I'll buy a super big roll and, starting from the bottom left side of the van, roll it up the wall, across the ceiling and down the other side keeping it all uniform and seamless, I'm not sure which way seems easier yet.
A few weeks ago I picked up and two way remote start and alarm system. It's been too darn cold to install it but I'm hoping to get it done this weekend, wheather permitting. A two way system is where it communicates back to you ie: if you remote start it, on the screen of the key chain switch, it will show me wether or not the vehicle started successfully. If you alarm is tripped, it will immediately beep at me like a pager and it will show me where and how the alarm was tripped; maybe someone hit the van.....or they opened a door. All in all it's a pretty cool system.
Ok, so you know how usually vans like mine have cool little windows in the back upper side corners? These are most commonly called port-hole windows. There are all sorts of shapes like, chevy bow-ties, hearts- tear drops, hexagons, circles, ovals and so on. I managed to get some that are tic tac the candy. There will be two on each side a few inches apart in the usual spot. These windows will immediately change the look of the van. Once they're in, any on-looker will know right away that this is no ordinary cargo van....oh's a full rock star van or call it what you will, I've heard: super van, sport van, custom van, shaggn' wagn', boogie van and so on. Oh yeah, the great thing about these windows is that they were free from my neighbour, Spider,(he's cool).
The other thing I've been trying to figure out is what I'm going to do with the front grille. I want all chrome but unless I can find a good price, that won't happen. I've also been finding that it's extremely hard to find chrome grilles for a 95 van.....I can find them for all the other models but not mine!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!!!!!! It drives me nuts. My other plan is to just get a brand new factory grille, paint it to match the body but put that chrome mesh grille stuff behind it. Or, just have a frame for the grille and fill the hole with chrome mesh.
Hmmm........what else.....random things, here we go:
-The chrome bumpers will come off of the black van go to the yellow van in the warmer weather.
I've seen vans like mine with no rear bumpers and it looks awesome but is it legal?? Anyone know? "Bueler? Bueler? Bueler?" <--------Ferries Bueler's day off
-I put the door straps from the black van to the yellow van. They prevent the back doors from just swingly freely open and wacking the car next to you...nice little things to have.
-New custom LED parking and signal lights are on and look great, pics to come later.
-I bought some 70's van emblems for my model off of ebay. You see, in the 80's they changed them and that's what I have on mine. I want the classic look so they had to go.

Above is the classic look.....below is what I'm replacing minus all of that GMC stuff.
I want to do the minor body work and then re-paint the van. I'm learning as much about painting vehicles yourself as possible. I've ordered this guys DVD,....he seems to be the king.
-Flares off the old van.....restored and installed on new van.
-purple underlight kit has to come off of the black van and go to the yellow van.
-seat covers..........
-custom drink tray and panel cover.....a must have classic custom van item. Have a look at the pic below for the view. It may not be exactly the same but hey, that's the beauty of it....*custom* what ever you want you can do, oh baby!!
-Front Dash....I'm thinking paint it brown or purple? Thoughts??
Well, I gotta go, I've wasted enough time here making my list of what to do...some may call it a 'to-do' list.
See you later and go to this link and see one of favorite vans....this guy did a great job on his van.
watch the second and third video and turn your volume up!!!
Heavy Chevy
PS: This week I stayed up late to win an ebay auction for 32 VAN WORLD mags from the 70's. When I found them they were up to $41 US and in the last 10 min. it was all out war bringing the final price to a whoppn' $285US and I lost and was pretty bummed out and kind of pissed. :(
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