Sunday, February 4, 2007

Fuel pumps pump fuel and money

So my fuel pump quit two weeks ago. But, never fear...$423 later, everything is great!!! All the fun things that go with having a not brand new vehicle. At least it's not an '81 like my old one.

I'm a little behind on my posts as the digital camera here is acting up.

So unfortunately, Pimp my Chevy Van will not be seen today; instead we bring such classic re-runs of 'growing pains' followed by ' who's the boss' followed by 'family matters' and concluded by an all new old re-run of 'full house' where uncle joey and uncle jessie get in to some zanny adventure of a sort involving some kind of radio jingle and will probably feature a brief appearance by the beach boys and oh yeah...little Stephanie will, without a doubt, deliver her awesomely annoying classic line: "How Rude", and we will all want to punch her up side the head.

Good night and take care of eachother.

Cue the music------> *PHAT* bass...'boom'',......'scratch, scratch' ......'boom'....'oh yeah'......'punk!!'


batman said...

so i take it that little-R was a fan of full house? i find that a little strange.

Heavy Chevy said...

Heck!! I was a fan of all of the shows that I listed. Don't pretend like you weren't ;)