Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I've got a flare for blue..................

Howdy all!!   
I'm back again, sorry I've been away for a bit, working on the van's paint job and the flares.  
I've started the paint job and I've done 3 applications. Each application is 2 coats followed by a wet sanding when it's dry.

The weather has been total crap so the whole thing has been slower than I had planned but you absolutely can't rush this part.

I've been re-building the flares which has been long but it will be well worth it. They are the mud style flares and will really give the van a beefy look ;)     I still have two to finish.
I've attached some fog lights to the down spoiler which is yet to be installed, maybe I'll get it on tomorrow between applications.  

Here are some pics of it all:

Right: Two coats

Above: after 3 coats.

Above: The flares getting re-built

Above:  This is the style of stripe that I'm going to put on the van only it will be wider than this one. 


I've chosen the wider stripe because it will work best with the hood ornament but more on that later ;)  ....................


I've got a few days of good weather so lots of painting will get done.  After all coats are applied, the van will have to be left alone for a week to let the paint totally harden up.  Because the coats are so thin, the paint dries very quickly but you should give it time anyways.  
After the drying period, then next step is to sand with 1000-1500 grit and then to buff with compound and then to wax it all up.

Stay tuned...............

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